Sunday, September 9, 2007

Calories news 09/09/2007

Michelle Singletary: Here's the skinny on fattening your wallet (The Columbus Dispatch)
Deborah McNaughton and Melinda Weinstein want us to face a simple truth -- many people consume too many calories and their unhealthy eating is costing them a piece of prosperity.

2007/09/09 (New Straits Times)
YOU will notice your body changes and your increase in energy and nutrient needs now. As you enter puberty, your muscle mass increases, and this increases your need for protein, calories, vitamins and minerals, with the exception of iron.

Day 116: Consumed 2268 calories; no exer ...
Day 116: Consumed 2268 calories; no exercise; gained 1.8 pounds.

Pepsi tries Gatorade with half the calories (Houston Chronicle)
PepsiCo will be trying a new low-calorie Gatorade drink and a new vitamin-enhanced caffeinated water.

Your current topic is “calories” (Lifetime)
Anyone who's seen a skinny Minnie gobble whatever she wants and not gain an ounce knows how unfair the genetic lottery can be. Thankfully, the scale h...

calories fat burner fat