Courier News Online - Judge: Fast-food joints don't have to post calories on menus (Bridgewater Courier News)
NEW YORK (AP) -- A judge struck down a New York City rule Tuesday that required fast-food restaurants to post calorie counts on their menus. U.S. District Judge Richard J. Holwell said he determined the rule conflicted with federal law.
Good enough to label ( via Yahoo! News)
Assessing the nutritional qualities of an item on the grocery store shelf can be a little like homework. It involves reading the fine print and comparing it with that on comparable products. It also means doing some math to see how the item's serving sizes, calories and fat and sugar content match up against the recommended daily allowances.
NYC eateries don't have to show calories on menus, judge rules (CBC)
A U.S. restaurant association has convinced a judge to strike down a New York City health rule requiring some fast-food restaurants to include calorie counts on their menus.
Calories news 11/09/2007
It would take an extra 3500 excess calories to produce one pound of fat. So if you consume an extra 500 calories per day over what you burn, by the end of the week you've added a pound of lard in your body. Think about it. ...
How To Easily Lose Weight By Controlling Your Food Intake
Youre going to lose weight by controlling the number of calories you consume on a daily and weekly basis. You see, lots of people know about the concept of calorie control, but very few seem to use it properly. Perhaps it seems too good ...